Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Irrelevant Comics in 2012

Hey! I'm still here! Things got a little crazy in December, so I had to put IC on hiatus. But now the new year is here and it's time to get back into the groove. 

First, I want to say that I started a new job! This is not totally on topic, but I'm telling you anyway, because it's a big deal to me and it affects everything I do, not only in terms of schedule but also in terms of interests.

I work in the marketing department for a toy company, so all of a sudden toys are something I think about A LOT. Since I'm a comic book fan, toys have been on my radar for a while, but I've purposely kept them on the periphery of my interests, simply because I didn't want to open up that can of worms and start them. Well, that ship has sailed. Now they're pretty much on my mind all the time.

Which company do I work for? I'm not going to name it, because I don't want my professional and blogging lives to intersect too much. But we make construction toys (building blocks) and the name doesn't start with "L." That should narrow it down some.

Anyway. I'm happy and excited. I was in desperate need for a change of pace, and I got one! No more part-time work, no more freelancing, no more working from home. This means I spend more time working, yes, but it also means I feel more motivated than ever, so it's a good trade-off. I also get 45 minutes of public transport commuting twice a day, during which there isn't really anything to do other than read comics (or books).

I haven't figured out yet how much writing I'm going to be able to get done. I'm still adjusting to my new schedule and settling into a routine. But I have big plans for the year, and they include this blog.

My first step is going to be to relaunch my weekly column, "Is It Wednesday Yet?", starting next week. The rest is up in the air for now, but rest assure that there will be more.

Meanwhile, Tumblr continues to be my instant-gratification dumping ground for reblogging images, ranting about gender politics and occasional comic book commentary. I'm going to try to be more diligent about linking back and forth between this place and Tumblr, but if you want you can follow me here. And of course I'm also on Twitter.

Stay tuned, faithful readers.


grace January 6, 2012 at 11:49 AM  

Exciting! Congrats on the new job. Looking forward to reading IC in the coming year.

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